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Il criterio era rigoroso, e credo sia lo stesso seguito dai servizi segreti:

Il criterio era rigoroso, e credo sia lo stesso seguito dai servizi segreti:

non ci sono informazioni migliori delle altre,

il potere sta nello schedarle tutte, e poi cercare le connessioni.

Le connessioni ci sono sempre, basta volerle trovare .

Umberto Eco

Il pendolo di Foucault

Milano 1988


Das Kriterium war streng, und ich glaube, es ist dasselbe, das auch die Geheimdienste anwenden:

Keine Information ist weniger wert als die andere,

das Geheimnis besteht darin, sie alle zu sammeln und dann Zusammenh�nge

zwischen ihnen zu suchen.

Zusammenh�nge gibt es immer, man mu� sie nur finden wollen.

Umberto Eco

Das Foucaultsche Pendel

deutsche �bersetzung von Burkhart Kroeber, M�nchen 1989


I had a strict rule, which I think secret services follow, too:

No piece of information is superior to any other.

Power lies in the having them all on file and then finding the connections.

There are always connections; you have only to want to find them.

Umberto Eco

Foucault�s Pendulum

English translation by William Weaver, New York 1989


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So Geographers in Afric-Maps
With Savage-Pictures fill their Gaps;
And o'er unhabitable Downs
Place Elephants for want of Towns.

Jonathan Swift
On Poetry: A Rapsody.
Re-printed in London, 1733.

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You will find HERE
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Listings of Spanish Nobility

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Listings of Spanish nobility (under construction)
Important notice:
Spanish characters: � is sorted in n, ll is sorted in l+l, ch is sorted in c+h.
Articles are written seperately (even if written with uppercase first letter) are not rated before the
name but after the nobility rank: Marqu�s de La Solana to be found as Solana, Marqu�s de la
In newer files, filation of persons is indicated by "+-" for a child and by "+-" if there are more
children. The sign "� " is used to indicate a passing-by of other filations.
In other files: Every child is indented one tab
Persons, whose genealogical relation to former holders of the nobility title is unknown to me, are
registered at the beginning of the line without tab.
The following lines then relate to this person.
The known succession of holders of the nobility title is ordinal numbered with 01, 02, 03, etc.
Persons, only mentioned because of the relative context but not being or have been holders of the
nobility title, are marked with "<>" instead of an ordinal number.
The ordinal number 00 is used for holders of the nobility title whose position in numeral succession is
unknown to me; multi-appearance is possible.
If it is not clearly recognisable to me if a person was holder of the nobility title, "??" is used instead of
an ordinal number (which here does not mean "probably not").
A single question mark means that the statement is doubted.
If there is no relationship between the holders of the nobility title, they are seperated by "---", and the
relations between them are appropriately advised. At the margin, these persons are linked with red
> | >.
In new files, (one) additional name beside the name by which a person is generally called is written
ibn brackets "{}".
In older files: Among (first) names the name by which a person is generally called is written in italics.
If this name is unknown to me, only two names are listed. If in the literature (which I have been using)
more than two names appear, they are replaced by "[etc]". The semantic value of numberless names
is low, they are not necessary to identify a person.
Concerning family names, primer apellidos and segundo apellidos are listed, mostly connected by
"y". Additional apellidos mentioned in the literature are replaced by "[etc]". This, for me seems to be
justified as the use of four apellidos only between 1870 and1957 was legally ordered (see Soler NE
[2008]: 34) but was no practical use, regardless whether some authors constructed such four
appelidos. It would be correct to list such additional apellidos if the use was enforced by legal
reasons (e.g. if the possession of a mayoralgo depended) and the apellidos were really used.
Occasionally the surname of the father or mother is set in brackets "[]" because it really was not used
by the person concerned (regarding Spanish customs on surnames see e.g. Soler NE [2008]: 32),
but for reasons of clearness (so to say as proper surname) it is listed. Some authors are substituting
this name as surname automatically.
Some general remarks on the numbering of holders of Spanish titles of nobility:
There is no official numbering of holders of Spanish titles of nobility.
The numbers used in literature vary. There are different reasons:
If the denomination of an title has been changed, sometimes the numbering is continued, sometimes
renewed with 1.
- Some holders of Spanish titles of nobility would have been entitled to the heritance but for different
reasons did not sack the necessary carta de sucesi�n but nevertheless they used the title.
- Titles which were provided for the primog�nito are by some authors automatically attached to the
firstborn children who in reality did not obtain a carta de sucesi�n.
- The cartas de sucesi�n of the Diputaci�n de la Grandeza during the republican time of Spain
1931 until 1948 are occasionally counted (of course if there was a convalidaci�n after 1948).
- There are titles deprived by juridical sentence. In some cases persons concerned are not counted
as holder
of the title.
- Some authors construct successions which did not take place in reality.
- Some authors did not notice short times of possession of a title although the publication is traceable
in the
"Gaceta de Madrid".
- Some authors mixed up holders with same name(s) of a title of nobility or counted a single holder
sometimes caused by second marriages or by different names of primer and segundo apellido
which were
"fitted" although this form of name has not been used.
- There are authors who have difficulties in translation of Roman numbers (which are used in Spain
for the numbering of holders of titles), e.g. XI for VI.
- The husband of a female holder of a title of nobility who only jure uxoris used the title is counted.
- It is possible that one person is counted twice because he hold a title of nobility twice.
Example: Joaqu�n Fern�ndez de C�rdoba y Osma, 9. Duque de Ari�n [Es1725], b1870 d1957, succeded in
1902 as second Marqu�s de Gri��n [Es1862]. He resigned in 1920 in favour of his son Gonzalo (Joaqu�n)
Fern�ndez de C�rdoba y Mari�tegui, 3. Marqu�s de Gri��n [Es1862], b1913 d1934. After his death without
issue he regained the title in 1951 and thus he became fourth Marqu�s de Gri��n.
Here titles of nobility are dated by the year of the first royal resolution for the creation of the title of
nobility. The year when a diploma was issued ("dipl") is named separately if it occured in another
year. This year corresponds to the issue of the carta de sucesi�n and is to be regarded as the legally
relevant date. It should be mentioned that this is not handled consequently by the "Gu�a de la
Nobleza" and other publications.
For example, Guia GT [1975]: 273 and still Elenco GT 44[2011]: 454 give the creation date may 20, 1834 for
Francisco (Mar�a de la Luz) de Arango y Parre�o [etc], 1. Marqu�s de la Gratitud [Es1834], b1765 d1837, but
this was not executed (no carta de sucesi�n) while Domingo de Arango y Herrera, 2. Marqu�s de la
Gratitud [Es1834], b1858 d1924, succeded and got a carta de sucesi�n june 10, 1880 (Nieto DNC [1954]: 259-260).
The succession in a title of nobility ("succ") is named by the date of the year. It is generally the year
in which the carta de sucesi�n was issued. If two differend years are named or one ends with a
slash "/", the (first) number is the year in which the issue of the carta de sucesi�n has been mandated
("B.O.E."). The second number is the year of the carta de sucesi�n. In newer files, the data are
signed with d for successions granted by the Deputaci�n de la Grandeza, with m (for the mandate)
and c (f�r the carta) respectively.
Foreign titles of nobility (mainly of Sicily, Naples, Both Sicilies, Spanish Netherlands, Sardinia, Italy)
to which in Spain a rehabilitaci�n was decreted, are as Spanish titles of nobility named by the year
of the rehabilitaci�n, the holders are counted from then.
Titles are saved in files named by their first three letters (see Summary).
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