COMPACTGEN names & titles starting with BABTHO
[first uploaded 2016-10-18]
Babthorpe [1]
18639 |
18639( Ausbord de Babthorpe; of Babthorpe [N] VN sive Ausbert vel Osbert [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598 [SI] Internet ( _m {a} )bruce_
53122a( Grisacre Bruce |
a |
18639a( Adam de Babthorpe; of Babthorpe [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598 [SI] Internet ( _m {abc} )newmar
18640abb( Margaret Newmarche, b~1240 >a William >b John >c Hugh |
aa |
18639aa( William de Babthorpe;
of Babthorpe [N] VN sive Adam [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598 [SI] Internet ( _m {abcd} )dawnay
53123a( Jane Dawnay >a Thomas >b Ralph >c George >d Anne |
aaa |
18639aaa( Sir Thomas de Babthorpe;
of Babthorpe [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598 [SI] Internet ( _m {abcde} )haye__ 53124a( Answith de la Haye >a Edward >b Edmund >c Christopher >d Henry >e Ursula |
aaaa |
18639aaaa( Edward de Babthorpe; of
Babthorpe [N] FN sive Bathorpe [S] Burke LG1886,2: 1808 [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598 [SI] Internet ( _m {ab} )salvin 53125a( Julian Salveyn >a Edith >b Mary |
aaaaa |
18639aaaaa( Edith de Babthorpe, d(o) _m Thomas Hebden |
aaaab |
18639aaaab( Mary de Babthorpe, b~1335
sive b~1350 d(o) [N] VN sive Elizabeth _m )thornh
53130aaaaaa( � Sir Simon Thornhill; of Thornhill |
aaab |
18639aaab( Edmund de Babthorpe [S4432] Foster
VY [1875]: 598 [SI] Internet ( _m {abc} )mowbra
53126a( Christian Mowbray >a John >b Thomas >c Richard |
aaaba |
18639aaaba( Sir John Babthorpe;
of Babthorpe [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598 [SI] Internet ( _1m {abcdef} )skipwi
37989aaac( Elizabeth Skipwith _2m {} )fenwic
53131a( Anne Fenwick, d(o) <a William, vide )babtho 47778( >b Oliver >c Stephen >d Brian >e Emma >f Jane |
aaabab |
18639aaabab( Oliver Babthorpe [S4432] Foster
VY [1875]: 598 _m {} Isabel Pannet |
aaabac |
18639aaabac( Stephen Babthorpe [S4432] Foster
VY [1875]: 598 _m {} )everin
53127bab( � Cecily de Everingham |
aaabad |
18639aaabad( Brian Babthorpe [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598 _m {} Anne Ellis |
aaabae |
18639aaabae( Emma Babthorpe _m Richard Saltmarsh |
aaabaf |
18639aaabaf( Jane Babthorpe _m Thomas Cliffe |
aaabb |
18639aaabb( Thomas de Babthorpe [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598 _m {} Mary Hamerton |
aaabc |
18639aaabc( Richard de Babthorpe [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598 _m {} Anne Ellerker |
aaac |
18639aaac( Christopher de Babthorpe [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598 _m {} )everin
53127bb( � Alison de Everingham |
aaad |
18639aaad( Henry de Babthorpe [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598 _m {} page portington1.htm |
aaae |
18639aaae( Ursula de Babthorpe _m )pollin
53129( Sir Thomas Pollington;
of Pollington |
aab |
18639aab( Ralph de Babthorpe; of Babthorpe [S4432] Foster
VY [1875]: 598 _m {} Jane Armine |
aac |
18639aac( George de Babthorpe; of Babthorpe [S4432] Foster
VY [1875]: 598 _m {} Ann Baynes |
aad |
18639aad( Anne de Babthorpe _m John Champernown |
ab |
18639ab( John de Babthorpe, d(o) [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598 _m {} Joan d� Alta Ripa |
ac |
18639ac( Hugh de Babthorpe; of Babthorpe [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598 _m {} Aleson Bretton |
Babthorpe [1.1]
ex )babtho 18639aaabaa(� [F18639aaaba_1]
44778 |
44778( Sir William Babthorpe,
b~1335; of Babthorpe [N] William [babtho 44778] ??son of William [babtho 53118] [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 598-599 [SI] Internet ( [SI] Internet (
db=srodenbough) _1m {a} )hildya
53132a( Maud Hildyard, b~1340 _2m {bc} )hunger
53133a( Isabel Hungerford _??m )ashley 44777a( Dulcia Ashley, b1400 d1461 >a John >b Isabel >c Anne |
a |
44778a( John Babthorpe [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 599 [SI] Internet ( _m {a} )sakam_
53136a( Elizabeth Sakam |
aa |
44778aa( Sir Thomas Babthorpe, d+1327 [N] Knight [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 599 [SI] Internet ( _m {a} )basker
53137a( Barbara Baskerville |
aaa |
44778aaa( Thomas Babthorpe; of Babthorpe and Osgodby [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 599 [SI] Internet ( _m {ab} )osgodb
53138a( Joan Osgodby >a Robert -b William Babthorpe, d+1552; of
Flotmannby |
aaaa |
44778aaaa( Sir Robert Babthorpe, d1431
sive d1437; of Babthorpe and Osgodby [N] FN sive Babthorp [S] Burke PB1999,2: 1924 [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 102, 599 [SI] Internet ( [SI] Internet (
db=allerton_manor) _1m {ab} )watert
33585aa( Eleanor Waterton _2m {} )pilkin 46110acba( � Bridget Pilkington _??m )pilkin 34147aaaaaf( �
Margaret de Pilkington, d1423 >a Ralph >b Elizabeth |
aaaaa |
44778aaaaa( Sir Ralph Babthorpe,
??b~1280; of Osgodby [N] VN sive Rauff [N] FN sive Babthorp [S] Hunter-Blair VNE 4[1932]: 44 [S] Hylton-Dyer-Longstaffe VNC [1863]:
76 [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 102, 599 [SI] Internet (
db=srodenbough) [SI] Internet ( [SI]
Internet ( db=allerton_manor) _1m1422 {abcdefgh} )ashley 44777a( Dulcia Ashley, b1400 d1461 _2m {} Catherine Haythorpe <a Robert, vide )babtho 53117( >b Ralph >c Margaret >d Anne >e Elizabeth >f Isabel -g Thomas Babthorpe, d(o); relig -h Henry Babthorpe, d(o) |
aaaaab |
44778aaaaab( Ralph Babthorpe,
d(o) [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 102, 599 _m {} Margery Mitton |
aaaaac |
44778aaaaac( Margaret Babthorpe,
!b1302 _m )staple
38601aab( � Sir Richard Metham, !b1300 d(v)!1388; of Metham |
aaaaad |
44778aaaaad( Anne Babthorpe [N] FN sive Babthorp _m (n) Salveyn; of Duffield _??m )perceh
53139aa( � Sir Lyon Percehay; of
Ryton |
aaaaae |
44778aaaaae( Elizabeth Babthorpe _m )perceh
53139aa( � Sir Lyon Percehay; of
Ryton |
aaaaaf |
44778aaaaaf( Isabel Babthorpe, b~1405 [N] FN sive Babthrop _m )haye__ 53134( Thomas de la Haye, b~1400; of Spaldington |
aaaab |
Elizabeth Babthorpe _m John Percehay; of Ryton |
b |
44778b( Isabel Babthorpe, b~1405 sive b~1360 [N] FN sive Babthrop _m Sir Nicholas Throgmorton [N] Knight _??m )haye__ 53134( Thomas de la Haye, b~1400; of Spaldington |
c |
44778c( Anne Babthorpe _m )chiche 53135( Sir Robert Chichester |
Babthorpe [1.1.1]
ex )babtho 44778aaaaaa(� [F44778aaaaa_1]
53117 |
53117( Robert Babthorpe, b~1423 d1466 (ecc5-6); of
Osgodby [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 102, 599 [SI] Internet ( [SI] Internet (
db=) _m {bcad} [N] Robert [babtho 53117c] ??son of
William [babtho 53117a] )ryther
53140ba( Elizabeth Ryther, b~1427 >a William >b Ralph >c Robert -d Thomas Babthorpe, d(o); at Hemingborough |
a |
53117a( William Babthorpe, d1505-1528 ??d~1563 [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 102, 599 [S] Dugdale VY [1859]: 191 [SI] Internet (
db=) [SI] Internet ( _m {abce} )southi
20756aad( � Christina Soothill, b~1467
d(?o)1540 >a � William >b � Ralph -c � Robert Babthorpe >e � Christian |
aa |
53117aa( � Sir William Babthorpe, b1489-1490
d1555 (ecc4-5); of Babthorpe [N] FM sive Balthorpe vel Bathorp [N] of Babthorpe; sive Balthorpe [N] Knight [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 102, 599-600 [S] Burke C 4[1838]: 25 [S] Burke LG1886(1): 432 [SI] Internet (
db=) [SI] Internet ( _m-1529 {abcd} )palmes
20551aaaab( � Agnes Palmes, b~1493 >a � William >b � Leonard >c � Agnes >d � Frances |
aaa |
53117aaa( � Sir William Babthorpe, b1529
!d1540 d1580-1581; of Babthorpe and Osgodby [N] FN sive Babthrop [N] William [babtho 53117aaa] ??son of Richard [babtho 53119] [N] Knight [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 102, 600 [S] Burke 2EB: 113, 276 [SI] Internet (
db=) [SI] Internet ( _1m~1540 {abc} )consta
20556aaabaf( � Barbara Constable, b1531
d?1570 _2m1564 {d} )daunay
20560ac( � Frances Dawnay, b1540 >a � Margaret >b � Ralph >c � Katherine >d � Christianna |
aaaa |
53117aaaa( � �Margaret Babthorpe, b1550 [N] VN sive Mary _m~1579 )cholme 26251ag( � Sir Henry Cholmley, d1614; of Whitby, Roxby and
Newton Grange |
aaab |
53117aaab( � Sir Ralph Babthorpe, b?1550
d1617; of Babthorpe [N] FN sive Balthorpe [N] Knight [N] of Babthorpe; sive Balthorpe [S] Burke C1: 612 [S] Burke LG1886(2): 1414 [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 600 [SI] Internet ( _m {abcdefg} Grace Byrnand, b?1550 d1623 [N] FN sive Byrnard >a � William >b � Katherine >c � Elizabeth -d � Robert Babthorpe -e � Ralph Babthorpe -f � Thomas Babthorpe -g � Barbara Babthorpe |
aaaba |
53117aaaba( � Sir William Babthorpe, b1580 [N] Knight [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 600 [SI] Internet (
db=) [SI] Internet ( _m {abcdefghij} )tyrwhi
35741aacai( � Ursula Tyrwhitt, b?1580 >a � Ralph >b � Frances -c � William Babthorpe, d(o) -d � Robert Babthorpe -e � Richard Babthorpe -f � John, Babthorpe, d(o) -g � Thomas Babthorpe -h � Grace Babthorpe, d(o) -i � Usula Babthorpe -j � Elizabeth Babthorpe |
aaabaa |
53117aaabaa( � Ralph Babthorpe, b?1610 [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 600 [SI] Internet ( _m {abcd} (f) Hamilton, b?1610 -a � William Babthorpe, b?1635 -b � Francis Babthorpe -c � John Babthorpe -d � Albert Babthorpe |
aaabab |
53117aaabab( � Frances Babthorpe, b?1598 _m )yorke_
38502cabb( � Thomas Yorke, b??1598 d.1620; of Parcivall
Hall in Burnsall and Gowthwaite |
aaabb |
53117aaabb( � Katherine Babthorpe, b?1581 [N] FN sive Balthorpe _m1584 )palmes
38579aa( � Sir George Palmes, b?1581
d1654; of Naburn |
aaabc |
53117aaabc( � Elizabeth Babthorpe, b?1582 _m~1585 )consta
53143( � John Constable, b~1555 ??b1582 d+1621; of
Caythorpe |
aaac |
53117aaac( � Katherine Babthorpe, b?1560 [N] Babthrop _1m George Vavasor; of Spaldington [N] FN sive Vavasour _2m )ingleb
28011aaae( � John Ingleby, b?1560
d1627 sive d(s1617); of Ripley |
aaad |
53117aaad( � Christianna Babthorpe, b~1565 _m )girlin
53142ec( � Sir John Girlington,
b1560 d1612; of Hackforth and Hutton Longvilliers |
aab |
53117aab( � Leonard Babthorpe [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 103 [SI] Internet ( _m {ab} )redman
53144aab( � Frances Redman, b~1552 -a � Christian Babthorpe >b � Elizabeth |
aabb |
)babtho 53117aabb( � Elizabeth Babthorpe [N] VN sive Edith |
aac |
53117aac( � Agnes Babthorpe, b-1600 [N] VN sive Anne _1m )hussey
27008aacab( � William Hussey, b~1579;
of Harswell _2m )saintq
37833b( � Matthew Saint Quintin, b-1561; of Harpham |
aad |
53117aad( � Frances Babthorpe _m )creyke
38749aaaa( � Sir William Creyke, d+1534;
of Marton and Cottingham |
ab |
53117ab( � Ralph Babthorpe [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 102, 599-600 [SI] Internet ( _m {abcd} Mary Dene [N] FN sive Deane vel Denny >a � Richard >b � William -c � Robert Babthorpe -d � John. |
aba |
53117aba( � Richard Babthorpe [SI] Internet ( _m {abcde} (f) Herbert >a � Ralph -b � John Babthorpe -c � Cuthbert Babthorpe -d � Frances Babthorpe -e � Anne Babthorpe |
abaa |
53117abaa( � Ralph Babthorpe [SI] Internet ( _m {ab} Frances Hunter -a � Richard Babthorpe -b � Ralph Babthorpe |
abb |
53117abb( � William Babthorpe [SI] Internet ( _m {abc} (f) Layton [N] FN sive Lacon >a � William -b � Anne Babthorpe -c � Jane. |
abba |
53117abba( � William Babthorpe, d+1619;
of Memthorpe [SI] Internet ( _m {abc} Anne Hough [N] FN sive Haye -a � Katherine Babthorpe -b � Frances Babthorpe -c � Anne Babthorpe |
ae |
53117ae( � Christian Babthorpe _m (m) Gascoigne |
b |
53117b( Sir Ralph Babthorpe, d(?o)1489;
of Babthorpe and Osgodby [N] VN sive Ralph [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 102, 599 [SI] Internet ( _m {a} )middle
53141aabf( � Margaret Middelton |
ba |
53117ba( � Isabel Babthorpe, d(o)1495 _m1490 (ecc9-0) )hastin
17798a( � Sir John Hastings, []
11. Lord Hastings [En1295],
b1566 d(o)1504 |
c |
53117c( Sir Robert Babthorpe [N] Robert [babtho 53117c] ??son of
William [babtho 53117a] [S4432] Foster VY [1875]: 102, 599 [S] Dugdale VY [1859]: 191 [SI] Internet ( _1m {a} )girlin
53142k( � Joanne Girlington _??m Katherine |
ca |
53117ca( � Isabel Babthorpe, d1552 _m )plumpt
28015a( � William Plumpton, d1548-1549
(reg) sive d(v)1547 |
Babthorpe [2]
53118 |
53118( William Babthorpe, d+1420; of Elston [SI] Internet ( file=gresley01.htm) [SI] Internet (
dbs=nancn, mercer_jopson) _m {a} [N] William [babtho 44778] ??son of William [babtho 53118] )gresle 46099aaaaba( � Margaret Gresley -a � William Bapthorpe |
Babthorpe [3]
53119 |
53119( Richard Babthorpe [SI] Internet (
db=sueream) _m {} [N] William [babtho 53117aaa] ??son of Richard [babtho 53119] Catherine Clifford _??m )cumber
53120d( � Catherine Clifford |
Babthorpe [4]
53121 |
53121( Sir Ralph Babthorpe [S] Burke PB1999,2: 1656 _m {a} (f) |
a |
53121a( Margery Babthorpe _m )tancka
27972aaaa( John Tanckard |