COMPACTGEN names & titles starting with BILLIN
[first uploaded 2018-10-18]
Content of this file
Billing Billingberg Billinge Billingford Baron Billingham of Banbury von Billinghausen Friherre von Billinghusen Billingsk�ld Billingsley |
Billing [1]
66716 |
66716( Sir John Billing [N] Knight [S] Burke C 3[1838]: 662 [S] Marshall VN [1871]: 105 _m {a} [N] Isabel [billin 66716aaa]
??daughter of John [billin 66716] )teyes_
66717a( Margaret Teyes |
a |
66716a( Sir Walter Billing [N] Knight [S] Marshall VN [1871]: 105 _m {a} (f) |
aa |
66716aa( Sir John Billing [N] Knight [S] Clay VY 3[1917]: 63 [S] Marshall VN [1871]: 106 _m {a} (f) |
aaa |
66716aaa( Isabel Billing [N] Isabel [billin 66716aaa]
??daughter of John [billin 66716] _m )yarbur
49474aaaaa( � William de Yarburgh;
of Yarburgh |
Billing [2]
66714 |
66714( John Billing; of Rowell [SI] Internet (
db=georgeskin) _m {ab} (f) >a Thomas -b John Billing, d1478 |
a |
66714a( Sir Thomas Billing, d1481 [N] Knight [S] Burke 5EP: 136 [SI] Internet (
db=georgeskin); quod vide _1m {abcdefgh} )giffar
35716abaa( � Katherine Giffard, b~1399 _2m {} )wesenh
66715aa( � Mary de Wesenham,
d1499 |
aa |
)billin 66714aa( � Nicholas Billing, d1512 [SI] Internet (
db=slucymcguire); quod vide _m {abcdef} Agnes Gilbert |
aaa |
)billin 66714aaa( � John Billing, d1526 [SI] Internet ( db=slucymcguire); quod vide _m {abcd} (f) >a � William >d � Agnes |
aaaa |
)billin 66714aaaa( � William Billing, d1557 [SI] Internet ( db=slucymcguire); quod vide _m {abcd} Joan |
aaad |
)billin 66714aaad( � Agnes Billing _m (m) Bodgenye |
Billing [3]
66719 |
66719( (m) Billing, d(d)+1670 [S] Anrep SAA 1[1858]: 186 _m {a} Anna Pehrsdotter, d1698 <a Anders, vide )billin 66720( |
Billing [4]
66723 |
66723( Nils Billing; i G�theburg [S] Anrep SAA
1[1858]: 187 _m {a} (f) <a Hans, vide )billin 66725( |
ex )billin 66719a(� [F66719_1]
66720 |
)billin 66720( Anders Billingberg [Se1683], b1649 d1709; till Ekhult [N] [FN Billing; nobil] Billingberg [Se1683, immatr1686] [S] Anrep SAA 1[1858]: 186 _m1681 {ab} Magdalena Str�le af Ekna, d+1710 >a Catharina >b Ragwald |
a |
)billin 66720a( Catharina Billingberg [Se1683], b1682 d1723 _m Arvid Ehrenstr�m, d1724; till Stora Finsj� |
b |
)billin 66720b( Ragwald Billingberg [Se1683], b1689 d1734; till Ekhult [S] Anrep SAA 1[1858]: 186; quod vide _m1711 {abcdefghij} Brita Christina Str�le af Ekna, b1690
d1772 >e Hedvig Eleonora >f Eva >j Catharina |
be |
)billin 66720be( Hedvig Eleonora Billingberg [Se1683], b1717 d1757 _m Olof Fagerroth |
bf |
)billin 66720bf( Eva Billingberg [Se1683], b1719 d1767 _m1755 Gustaf Adolph Rydiger, b1722 d1802 |
bj |
)billin 66720bj( Catharina Billingberg [Se1683], b1724 d1796 _m1751 Johan Thorsten �delberg, d1775 |
66718 |
66718( Sir Thomas Billinge [N] Knight [S] Burke 2EB: 323 _m {a} (f) |
a |
66718a( Thomas Billinge [S] Burke 2EB: 323 _m {a} (f) |
aa |
66718aa( Joan Billinge _m~1440 )lovatt
54012a( � Thomas Lovatt, b~1420 d(w1492) sive d1491; of
Astwell |
Billingford [1]
66703 |
66703( James Billingford; of Blackford Hall [S] Rye VN [1891]: 37 _m {a} (f) |
a |
)billin 66703a( Thomas Billingford, d1506; of Stoke and� Blackford Hall [N] FN sive Billingforde [S] Metcalfe VS [1882]: 5 [S] Rye VN [1891]: 37 _m.1493 {abcdefg )jenney 58442aaaag( Anne Jenney, b1473 >a Elizabeth >b Dorothy >c Katherine >d Edmund -e William Billingford, d(o) -f Christoffer Billingford -g Richard Billingford |
aa |
)billin 66703aa( Elizabeth Billingford _m (m) Sladon |
ab |
)billin 66703ab( Dorothy Billingford _m Edmond Wolsey; of Newton |
ac |
)billin 66703ac( Katherine Billingford _m Thomas Bateman; of Flyxton |
ad |
)billin 66703ad( Edmund Billingford; of Blackford [S] Rye VN [1891]: 37 _m {ab} Elizabeth Felton >a Thomas >b Margaret |
ada |
)billin 66703ada( Thomas Byllingford; of Blackford [S] Rye VN [1891]: 37 _1m {abc} Jane Browne _2m {def} Dorothy Harman >a Thomas -b Edmund Billingford >c Margaret -d George Billingford -e John Billingford -f Ciseley Billingford |
adaa |
)billin 66703adaa( Thomas Byllingford [S] Rye VN [1891]: 37 _m {a} Catherine Doyley -a Henry Billingford |
adac |
)billin 66703adac( Margaret Billingford _m (m) Grey; of Framsden |
adb |
)billin 66703adb( Margaret Billingford _m George Sheffeild; of Lincoln |
Billingford [2]
66704 |
66704( William Billingford [S] [S] Burke 2EB: 226 [SI] Internet (
db=pecan) _m {a} (f) |
a |
66704a( Margaret Billingford, b~1438 _m~1463 )gresha
66705aa( Sir James Gresham,
b~1435; of Holt |
Baron Billingham of Banbury
38566 |
)billin 38566( Angela (Theodora) Billingham, Baroness Billingham of Banbury [UK2000], b1939 [N] Baroness Billingham of Banbury [UK2000 pers] [SI] Internet ( |
von Billinghausen
66721 |
)billin 66721( T�nnis von Billinghausen [S] Anrep SAA
1[1858]: 187 _m {a} (f) <a Johan
Eberhard, vide )billin
66722( |
Friherre von Billinghusen
ex )billin 66721a(� [F66721_1]
66722 |
)billin 66722( Johann Eberhard Friherre von Billinghusen [Se1651] [N] [von Billinghausen; transf] Friherre von Billinghusen [Se1651; immatr1652] [N] Friherre till Ylsen [S] Anrep SAA 1[1858]: 187; quod vide _m {a} (f) |
Billingsk�ld [1680.1]
ex )billin 66724a(� [F66724_1]
66725 |
)billin 66725( Hans Billingsk�ld [Se1680], d1710; till H�kanryd och Nessby [N] [FN Billing; nobil] Billingsk�ld [Se1680; immatr1682] [S] Anrep SAA 1[1858]: 187; quod vide _1m {ab} )weinhe 66599aa( Margaretha Weinheim _2m1682 {cdefghij} Brita Friherrinna Eldestjerna, b1662 d1743 >c Margaretha Charlotta >h Sophia Maria >i Ulrica Eleonora |
c |
)billin 66725c( Margaretha Charlotta Billingsk�ld [Se1680], b1683 d1772 _m1701 Nils Canterhjelm, b1659 d1712 |
h |
)billin 66725h( Sophia Maria Billingsk�ld [Se1680], b1693 _m )baas__ 66503( Bengt Baas [Se1711], d1726 |
i |
)billin 66725i( Ulrica Eleonora Billingsk�ld [Se1680], b1696 d1776 _m Gustaf Wattrang, b1686 d1744 |
Billingsk�ld [1680.2]
ex )juring 66724a(� [F66724_1]
66726 |
66726( Catharina Billingsk�ld [Se1680] [N] [FN Juring; nobil] Billingsk�ld
[Se1680] [S] Anrep SAA
1[1858]: 187 _1m1681 Salomon Westersk�ld, d1710 _2m Aners Lilljenberg |
Billingsk�ld [1680.3]
ex )juring 66724b(� [F66724_1]
66727 |
66727( Arvid Billingsk�ld [Se1680], d(c)1691 [N] [FN Juring; nobil] Billingsk�ld
[Se1680] [S] Anrep SAA
1[1858]: 187 |
Billingsk�ld [1680.4]
ex )juring 66724c(� [F66724_1]
66728 |
66728( Agneta Billingsk�ld [Se1680], d1702 [N] [FN Juring; nobil] Billingsk�ld
[Se1680] [S] Anrep SAA
1[1858]: 187 _1m Gabriel Hilletan, d1689 _2m1696 Peter Rosentvist, b1668 d1710 |
Billingsley [1]
21311 |
21311( (m) de Billingsley [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {a} Alicia |
a |
21311a( Walter de Billingsley,
b~1316 [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {a} (f) |
aa |
21311aa( John de Billingsley, b~1327 [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {a} (f) |
aaa |
21311aaa( (m) Billingsley [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {a} (f) |
aaaa |
21311aaaa( Roger Billingesley, d+20EdIV; of Billingesley [S] Grazebrook VS 1[1889]: 47 [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {a} (f) |
aaaaa |
21311aaaaa( Roger Billingesley,
b~1450; of Billingesley [S] Grazebrook VS 1[1889]: 47 [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {a} (f) <a Roger, vide )billin 21312( |
Billingsley [1.1]
ex )billin 21311aaaaaa(� [F21311aaaaa_1]
21312 |
)billin 21312( Roger Billingesley; of Canterbury [S] Grazebrook VS 1[1889]: 47 [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {a?b} [N] query if William [billin 21312b] is son of Roger [billin
21312] (f) >a Roger >b William |
a |
21312a( Roger Billingesley; of
Canterbury [S]
Grazebrook VS 1[1889]: 47 [SI] Internet
( db=) _m {ab} (f) -a Roger Billingsley >b William |
ab |
21312ab( William Billingsley, b1473 d1570; of London [N] FN !Billingsby [S3425] Metcalfe VN [18897]: 85 [SI] Internet ( file=darcyd1509.htm) [S] Grazebrook VS 1[1889]: 47 [SI] Internet
( [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {abcde} [N] William [billin 21312b] ??son of William [billin 21312ab] Elizabeth Harding, b~1475 [N] FN sive Harlowe >a Henry -b Richard Billingsley -c William Billingsley >d Ciceley >e Martha |
aba |
)billin 21312aba( Sir Henry Billingesley, b~1538 d1606; of London [N] FN sive Billingsley vel Billingsly !Billingsby [N] Knight [1597] [N] Lord Mayor of London [S] Colby VS: 7 [S] Grazebrook VS 1[1889]: 47 [S] Howard VL 1[1880]: 71 [S] Vivian VC: 269 [SI] Internet
( [SI] Internet (
file=darcyd1509.htm) _1m1562 {abcdefg} Elizabeth Boorne, d1577 [N] FN sive Bourne _2m {} Bridget Draper, d1588 _3m-1591 {} )killig
53627aaaae( � Katherine Killigrew,
d(s1598) sive d1599 ??d+1623 _4m-1601 {} Elizabeth Monslow, d(?o) _5m+1602 {} Susan Tracy, d1633 [N] FN sive Tracey >a Henry >b William >c Thomas -d Richard Billingesley -e Elizabeth Billingsley |
abaa |
Sir Henry Billingesley; of Lysam |
abab |
William Billingsley [S] Colby VS: 7 _m {ab} Blanch Gunter >a Henry -b Thomas Billingsley |
ababa |
21312ababa( Henry Billingsley,
d+1623 [S] Colby VS: 7 _m {ab} Elizabeth Collins -a Blanch Billingsley, b~1618 -b Elizabeth Billingsley, b~1622 |
abac |
)billin 21312abac( Thomas Billingsley; of London [S] Howard VL 1[1880]: 71 _m {abcde} Elizabeth Hinde -a Henry Billingsley -b Thomas Billingsley -c Clement Billingsley >d Elizabeth >e Katherin |
abacd |
)billin 21312abacd( Elizabeth Billingsley _m Edward Palmer; of D�eweshall |
abace |
)billin 21312abace( Katherin Billingsley _m William Chilcot; of Istelworth |
abd |
)billin 21312abd( Ciceley Billingesley _m William Newce [N] FN sive Newer |
abe |
21312abe( Martha Billingsley [N] FN !Billingsby _1m John Robinson; of London _2m )arcy__ 38485cd( � Arthur d' Arcy; of Aldrington |
b |
William Billingesley [N] William [billin 21312b] ??son of William [billin 21312ab] [S] Grazebrook VS 1[1889]: 47 _m {a} (f) |
)billin 21312ba( William Billingsley, b?~1475 [N] FN sive Billingesleye [S] Grazebrook VS 1[1889]: 47-48 [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {abcd} Ciceleye, b?~1475 d~1581 >a John >b William -c Richard Billingsley, b~1529 >d Joanne |
baa |
)billin 21312baa( John Billingsley, b~1525 d1574; of Astley [N] FN sive Bilmesley [S] Grazebrook VS 1[1889]: 48 [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {abc} >a � Francis >b � Janne -c � Ciceleye Billingsley, b~1553 |
baaa |
)billin 21312baaa( � Francis Billingsley, b~1549 d1643 [N] FN sive Billingesley [S] Grazebrook VS 1[1889]: 48 [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {abcdefghijklmno} )vernon 66706ab( � Bridgett Vernon, b~1550 d1636 -a � Dorothy Billingsley, b1575 d(o) >b � Francis >c � Marye -d � Frances Billingsley, b~1582 d(o) -e � Janne Billingsley, b~1584 d(o) -f � Thomas Billingsley, b~1586 <g � John, vide )billin
21313( >h � Margaret -i � William Billingsley, b~1590 -j � ?Jane Billingsley, b1591 -k � Rachel Billingsley, b~1592 -l � Judeth Billingsley, b~1594 -m � Benjamin Billingsley, b~1600 -n � Edward Billingsley, b~1602 -o � Bridgett Billingsley, b~1604 |
baaab |
)billin 21312baaab( � Francis Billingsley, b~1578 d1643 [S] Grazebrook VS 1[1889]: 48 _m {abcdef} Eleanor Kerrey -a � Francis Billingsley .b � Thomas Billingsley -c � Walter Billingsley -d � John Billingsley -e � Edward Billingsley -f � Dorotheye Billingsley |
baaac |
)billin 21312baaac( � Marye Billingsley, b~1580 _m Francis Rowley [N] FN sive Rowleye |
baaah |
)billin 21312baaah( � Margaret Billingsley, b~1589 _m John Jeuan; of Wayburne [N] of Wayburne; sive Wamborne vel Waynbourne |
baab |
)billin 21312baab( � Janne Billingsley, b~1551 d(o) _m Thomas Bailey [N] FN sive Bayley |
bab |
William Billingesley, b~1527 [S] Grazebrook VS 1[1889]: 48 _m {a} (f) -a Thomas Billingesley |
bad |
)billin 21312bad( Joanne Billingsley, b~1531 _m Hugh Chys |
Billingsley [1.1.1]
ex )billin 21312abaaag(� [F21312abaaa_1]
21313 |
)billin 21313( � John Billingsley, b~1587 d-1659 [SI] Internet ( db=) _1m {abcdefghijkl} Agatha Cooper, b1593 d1666 _??m {} Eliza Cobreath, b~1637 d-1681 -a � Edward Billingsley >b � John -c � Agatha Billingsley, b1614 >d � James -e � Thomas Billingsley >f � Francis -g � Bridgett Billingsley, b~1622 -h � Francis Billingsley, b1624 -i � Joanne Billingsley, b1626 >j � William -k � Mary Billingsley, b~1631 -l � Walter Billingsley, b~1633 |
b |
21313b( � John Billingsley, b~1612 d1659 _m {} Eliza Cobreath, b~1637 d-1681 |
d |
21313d( � James Billingsley, b1616 d1663 _m {} Susannah Ewen, d~1664 |
f |
21313f( � Francis Billingsley,
b1620 d1684 [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {abcdef} Ann >a � John -b � Ann Billingsley, b1650 d1650 >c � Francis >d � Agatha -e � Edward Billingsley, b1658 d1708 >f � Ann Elizabeth |
fa |
21313fa( � John Billingsley, b1647 d1693 [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {abcdefgh} )billin
21313ja( � Sarah Ann Billingsley,
b1652 d1712 >a � Mary >b � William >c � Sarah Agatha >d � Elizabeth -e � John Billingsley, b~1677 d1686 -f � Susannah Billingsley, b~1680 -g � Francis Billingsley, b~1681 >h � Walter |
faa |
21313faa( � Mary Billingsley, b1669 d1710 _m1687 )wood__
66713a( Edward Wood, b1642 d1691 sive d~1709 |
fab |
21313fab( � William Billingsley,
b1670 d1716 [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {abcde} Clearanna Bowles, b1671 d1716 >a � William >b � Clearanna >c � Bowles >d � Samuel >e � Ann Elizabeth |
faba |
21313faba( � William Billingsley,
b1691 d1745 _m {} Mary Sumner, b~1692 d1740 |
fabb |
21313fabb( � Clearanna Billingsley,
b1693 d+1733 _m Thomas Gilly, d~1721 |
fabc |
21313fabc( � Bowles Billingsley,
b1694 d1744 _m {} Rachel Garden, b~1694 d+1744 |
fabd |
21313fabd( � Samuel Billingsley,
b1696 d~1751 _m {} Mary Wilmouth, d-1752 |
fabe |
21313fabe( � Ann Elizabeth Billingsley,
b1699 _m )wood__
66713aa( � John Wood, b1689 sive b~1680 d~1726 sive
d1750 |
fac |
21313fac( � Sarah Agatha Billingsley, b~1672 _m John Stovall |
fad |
21313fad( � Elizabeth Billingsley,
b1675 d~1752 _m William Bowles, d1743 |
fah |
21313fah( � Walter Billingsley,
b~1685 d~1752 _m {} Elizabeth Barbour, b~1685 d~1758 |
fc |
21313fc( � Francis Billingsley,
b1653 d1695 _m {} Martha Merrett |
fd |
21313fd( � Agatha Billingsley,
b~1656 _m Thomas Paget, b~1650 |
ff |
21313ff( � Ann Elizabeth Billingsley,
b~1662 _m Thomas Sadler |
j |
21313j( � William Billingsley,
b1628 d1657 [SI] Internet ( db=) _m {abc} Sarah Bowman, b~1635 d~1690 >a � Sarah Ann -b � William Billingsley, b1655 -c � Martha Agatha, b1658 |
ja |
21313ja( � Sarah Ann Billingsley,
b1652 d1712 _1m William Evart _2m )billin
21313fa( � John Billingsley, b1647 d1693 |
Billingsley [2]
21310 |
21310( Sir John Billingsley [N] Knight [S] Burke C 3[1838]: 523 _m {} )tracy_ 38565( Katherine Tracy |
Billingsley [3]
66707 |
66707( John Billingsley, b1747 d1811; of Ashwick [S] Burke C2:
544 [SI] Internet (
db=thepeerage) _m {ab} )wells_
42434j( � Mary Wells, d1828 >a � Sarah >b � Marianne |
a |
)billin 66707a( � Sarah Billingsley _m John Looker, b1796 |
b |
)billin 66707b( � Marianne Billingsley, b1795 _m George Turner Seymour, b1792 d1880 |
Billingsley [4]
66709 |
66709( John Billingsley; of Dover [S] Burke C1: 361 _m {a} )yorke_
66710ab( Elizabeth Yorke |
a |
66709a( Philip Billingsley; at Newington _m {} )Dottin
66711bab( Lucy Mary Dottin |
Billingsley [5]
66712 |
66712( William Billingsley; of Three Castles [N] FN sive Billingsly [S] Burke PB 107,1[1999]: 655 _m1703 {a} )mountr
17277bb( � Jane Coote, d1729 |
a |
)billin 66712a( � Mary Billingsley _m1735 Rober Myhill, b1796 |